" From Patti McBride"
Written March 21, 2021

To say 2020 has been a challenging year is an understatement. Personally, I would also say that it was a year of reflection, change and new directions. To begin, after almost 25 years of owning a family custom frame shop (Deck the Walls/ McBride's Framing Gallery), sharing ownership for the first thirteen years with husband Tad until his passing in 2008, I sold the frame shop to our youngest daughter Erin. February 29, 2020 was my last day as owner. On March 1, 2020, I was retired... Retiring during a global pandemic can be perhaps described as retirement on steroids. Being "of an age" and "sheltered in" my relatively new rock house with just myself, my piano and my cat Suzy, I have had plenty of time for all sorts of reflections. Retirement has brought the freedom to focus on the things that bring me to the purpose of this message to you.
Off and on, over the past twelve years I have been writing a series of ongoing narratives based on my recollections of certain events that have happened since August, 2008. It has been impressed on my heart the importance of writing down these extraordinary experiences in my life and in the lives of those most precious to me. I am sure they are not to be kept only in my memory, I believe These Golden Threads are God's gift for me to witness and to share with you. (Deuteronomy 4:9)
By way of introduction "These Golden Threads" is a continuing collection of narratives and reflections. “Tad" begins it all with the unfolding of August, 2008. There is no set release schedule so periodically you will receive the latest one completed. "These Golden Threads" narratives should be in somewhat of a chronological order. Some will be longer (Two cups of coffee); some will be short; some are already written and most are not. Sometimes I might throw in a non-narrative; a video or a flyer invite to a Singspiration Sing-Along. As you can tell, there is also no set format, but my hope and prayer is that you will always find "These Golden Threads" to be encouraging and maybe, bring thoughts and other considerations to mind.
For me, there are golden threads that weave throughout the lives of those who come within your circle and with whom you have constant contact; family; friends; neighbors; fellow believers; business acquaintances or people that are briefly in and then out of your life. It seems that God seldom gives you a view of how these threads all tie together, but sometimes it’s crystal clear. As these threads are continuing to flow from my growth of knowing Him, I am amazed to see how He is at work in my life.
If you have any questions or comments, please send me an email - pattilmcbride@msn.com - or send me a note through the contact form below.